Links of interest


Seagrass-Watch aims to raise awareness on the condition and trend of nearshore seagrass ecosystems and provide an early warning of major coastal environment changes.

Working On Country

Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts - Working on Country

Working on Country builds on traditional Indigenous land management by contracting Indigenous people to provide environmental services. Their work will help to maintain, restore, protect and manage Australia's environment - the land, sea and heritage.

Aboriginal fire management cuts CO2 in Australia

The Guardian Report - Aboriginal fire management cuts CO2 in Australia by Dean Yibarbuk, 11 September 2009

Fire has been used by Bininj (Aboriginal) people for managing habitats and food resources across northern Australian over millennia. The secret of fire in our traditional knowledge is that it is a thing that brings the land alive again. So we don't necessarily see fire as bad and destructive — it can be a good thing ...

Caring for Country

The Northern Land Council's Caring for Country Unit helps Aboriginal landowners deal with land and sea management challenges - including fire management and feral weed and animal control. The establishment of Aboriginal ranger groups has been a central part of the Unit's work.

Updated:  16 May 2019/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications