Economic Development and Indigenous Australia: Contestations over Property, Institutions and Ideology? - Indigenous Economic Development

Author/editor: Altman, JC
Year published: 2004
Volume no.: 22
Issue no.: 9


'Economic Development and Indigenous Australia: Contestations over Property, Institutions and Ideology?' by Jon Altman.

A paper presented by Professor Jon Altman at the 48th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society in Melbourne, 11 February 2004.

Economic development for remote Indigenous communities cannot be understood in the native title era unless the relative importance of customary activity is recognised. This paper uses a three-sector hybrid economy framework, rather than the usual two sector private or public model to more accurately depict the Indigenous economy. Examples are provided of the actual and potential significance of this hybrid economy, and the way in which significant local, regional and national benefits are generated.

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