Sustainability - Land, language and culture


5 May 2011

One of the consistent findings on the literature related to Indigenous wellbeing is the importance of sustainability—sustainability of Indigenous land, sustainability of Indigenous language and sustainability of Indigenous culture. All three of these areas of sustainability are related with the maintenance of one helping to protect the others. Furthermore, other aspects of wellbeing are intimately related to Indigenous sustainability. For example, in an interesting finding from the most recent NATSISS, Indigenous Australians with high levels of formal education are more likely to speak, understand or be learning an Indigenous language. This lecture deals explicitly with sustainability and the important relationship it has with wellbeing. We look at the sustainability of Indigenous land, language and culture separately and then turn to the empirical evidence for the relationship they have with each other and other aspects of wellbeing.

Updated:  9 September 2011/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications