Zero-Carbon Energy Project Publications and Submissions

Submissions related to Zero Carbon Energy for the Asia Pacific.

Working Papers

Renewable Energy Projects on the Indigenous Estate: Identifying Risks and Opportunities of Utility-Scale and Dispersed Models

K. Thorburn, L. O’Neill, J. Hunt and B. Riley

Paper no: 130/2019
DOI or Web link:

Ensuring Indigenous benefit from large-scale renewable energy projects: Drawing on experience from extractive industry agreement making

L. O'Neill, K. Thorburn, and J. Hunt

Paper no: 127/2019
DOI or Web link:

Other documents

Submission in Response to the Consultation on proposed amendments to customer payment under South Australian Remote Area Energy Supply (RAES) Scheme (Issue Paper July 2021), Brad Riley, Lee White, Thomas Longden and Simon Quilty. 14 September 2021.

Submission in Response to Prepayment Meter System Code Review, Thomas Longden, Brad Riley, Lee White and Simon Quilty. 29 April 2021.

Submission in Response to the Electricity Retail Supply Code Review, Thomas Longden, Lee White, Simon Quilty and Brad Riley. 2 August 2021.

Draft decision - Repeal and replacement of the Code of Conduct for the Supply of Electricity to Small Use Costumers 2018, Lee White, Brad Riley, Sally Wilson, Lily O'Neill and Thomas Longden. 11 Feburary 2022.

Clean energy agreement making on First Nations land: What do strong agreements contain?, Lily O'Neill, Brad Riley, Janet Hunt and Ganur Maynard. 2021.

Why most Aboriginal people have little say over clean energy projects planned for their land, Lily O'Neill, Brad Riley, Ganur Maynard and Janet Hunt, The Conversation, 10 August 2020.

Submission to the the Draft 2020 Integrated System Plan for the National Electricity Market (PDF, 620.85 KB)

Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia: Inquiry into the Opportunities and Challenges of the Engagement of Traditional Owners in the Economic Development of Northern Australia (PDF, 123.76 KB)

Submission to the Preparing the Northern Territory for Electric Vehicles Discussion Paper 2019 (PDF, 103.67 KB)

Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the effectiveness of the Australian Government’s Northern Australia agenda, September 2019 (PDF, 140.06 KB)

Response to A Path Forward: Developing the Western Australian Government’s Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy (PDF, 232.94 KB)

Submission to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on the Climate Change in Western Australia – Issues Paper (PDF, 207.42 KB)


Updated:  1 April 2022/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications