Visiting Indigenous Fellowship

CAEPR has an endowment fund through which it sponsors Indigenous people to become Centre Visitors under the Visiting Indigenous Fellowship Scheme, to be involved in collaborative research with CAEPR staff and higher degree research students. Research is understood broadly, reflecting CAEPR's commitment to Indigenous empowerment throughout Australia.

The endowment was originally funded by foundations associated with Rio Tinto and Westpac as well as by the Australian National University.

Djelk Women rangers Jodie Kelly, Felina Campion and Selma Campion presenting at the Ecological Society of Australia Indigenous symposium 2010 with Emilie Ens.Visiting Indigenous Fellows Jack Green and Donald Shadforth at the National Museum in Canberra, April 2009.Barbara Gurwalwal participating in the National Herbarium Botanical Internship with CAEPR staff in Canberra, 2010.

Visiting Indigenous Fellowships can take one of two forms:

  1. An individual can develop a research proposal in collaboration with a CAEPR staff member or student. Visits would usually then be to the Canberra campus of the ANU for up to eight weeks.
  2. A group may come together with CAEPR staff and students for a workshop on a research topic of mutual interest. These would typically last a week or less and be located at ANU campuses in Canberra, Darwin or even elsewhere.

For both forms of Fellowship, the first step is for potential applicants to collaborate with CAEPR staff or students to develop a Proposal.

For further details, see the Guidelines for Visiting Indigenous Fellowships.

Updated:  5 December 2015/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications