Indigenous Population - Publications

Measuring and analysing success for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

Measuring and analysing success for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

Author/editor: Nicholas Biddle, Matthew Gray & Jerry Schwab

Paper no: 122

Year published: 2017

The Closing the Gap targets feature heavily in the current policy measurement framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians at both the national and state/territory levels. The targets provide concrete measures against which trends in changes in outcomes for the Indigenous...

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New directions in Indigenous service population estimation

Author/editor: Markham, F, Bath, J, Taylor, J

Paper no: 88

Year published: 2013

Accurate assessments of the number of people who access goods or services in a particular location are crucial to the equitable allocation of resources and the delivery of services. In particular, Indigenous Australians are an important subpopulation for whom such estimates would be useful, given...

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New directions in Indigenous service population estimation

Author/editor: Markham, F, Bath, J, Taylor, J

Paper no: 88

Year published: 2013

Accurate assessments of the number of people who access goods or services in a particular location are crucial to the equitable allocation of resources and the delivery of services. In particular, Indigenous Australians are an important subpopulation for whom such estimates would be useful, given...

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Population change in Port Augusta: Challenges and implications for the COAG Urban and Regional Strategy

Author/editor: Taylor, J, Westbury, N

Paper no: 87

Year published: 2012

In 2009, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to include an Urban and Regional Strategy as part of the Indigenous Reform Agreement aimed at coordinating the delivery of services to Indigenous Australians. The main purpose of this strategy was to ensure that government agencies and...

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Population change in Port Augusta: Challenges and implications for the COAG Urban and Regional Strategy

Author/editor: Taylor, J, Westbury, N

Paper no: 87

Year published: 2012

In 2009, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to include an Urban and Regional Strategy as part of the Indigenous Reform Agreement aimed at coordinating the delivery of services to Indigenous Australians. The main purpose of this strategy was to ensure that government agencies and...

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A human capital approach to the educational marginalisation of Indigenous Australians

Author/editor: Biddle, N

Paper no: 67

Year published: 2010

Education is a key determinant at both a national and individual level for health, wellbeing and access to economic resources. What’s more, education has intrinsic benefits for those who undertake it, as well as for those around them. The standard human capital model has been used by many to...

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Demography as destiny: Schooling, work and Aboriginal population change at Wadeye

Author/editor: Taylor, J

Paper no: 64

Year published: 2010

Recent Commonwealth Treasury intergenerational reports have failed to consider the very different challenges that arise for the Indigenous population as a consequence of demographic ageing. Almost universally across the country, Indigenous populations are moving into a phase of demographic...

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Updated:  4 December 2017/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications