Dr Ben Wilson

Position: Research Scholar
School and/or Centres: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research

Email: ben.wilson@canberra.edu.au

Location: Room 2139, Copland Building


BA (University of Queensland) G Dip. Ed. (University of Queensland) M.Ed (Queensland University of Technology)  

Thesis title: Learning from Country: Investigating how Stories for Country are uncovered, understood, and can be used to strengthen modern Australian education systems.

I belong to Jagera country, around the southern suburbs of Meanjin (Brisbane). I am obligated to take care of that place, and am also strongly connected and obligated to the lands of the Central Coast of NSW and Brewarrina. I am Wagan (Crow) and Dhinawan (Emu).

I have worked in the university sector for five years, working on ARC projects connected to Indigenous education and Indigenous health. My current research explores place-based narrative as an Aboriginal epistemology and its application for modern education systems. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor of Education at the University of Canberra.

I have spent the past fifteen years working in education as a coach, teacher, facilitator, and consultant. I have come to Canberra to refocus education on Aboriginal ways of knowing, being, and doing. I am passionate about this work and believe that the solutions to some of modern society’s most wicked challenges can be found by turning to the wisdom of the world’s oldest people


Stories, mythology, and meta-mythology; Place-based education and approaches; education policy; culturally responsive pedagogy.

Updated:  24 June 2022/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications