Dr Mandy Yap

Position: Research Scholar
School and/or Centres: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research

Email: mandy.yap@anu.edu.au

Phone: (02) 6125 5716

Location: Room 2151, Copland Building


BBusAdmin BApplEc UC Hons ApplEc ANU

Researcher profile: https://researchportalplus.anu.edu.au/en/persons/mandy-yap

Mandy joined the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR) in 2007. She is currently working on Commonwealth and State/Territory Governments funded Indigenous population project.

Prior to joining ANU, she worked at the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM). As a researcher, Mandy has worked on a range of issues including social exclusion, ageing, diabetes modelling, women and fertility, income distribution and Australia’s Indigenous peoples socioeconomic outcomes. Her research interest includes the role of gender equality in Indigenous development and the methodologies around constructing indicators of quality of life and wellbeing.

Mandy is currently undertaking her doctoral research on developing culture and gender sensitive indicators of wellbeing working with the Yawuru in Broome.

Updated:  29 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications