Codesign in the Indigenous policy domain: Risks and opportunities

Codesign in the Indigenous policy domain: Risks and opportunities
Author/editor: M.C.Dillon
Year published: 2021
Issue no.: 296


In recent years, the requirement for First Nations participation through codesign has emerged as a key prerequisite of policy legitimacy in the Indigenous policy domain. In this Discussion Paper, the mainstream literature on codesign and collaborative governance is surveyed and considered, as a means of identifying the essential characteristics of effective codesign policy and program processes. The literature survey identifies two strands: one that asserts the merits and opportunities inherent in policy and program codesign, and a second that highlights the risks and challenges. Two nationally significant current and ongoing Indigenous policy development processes that have been described as codesign processes are then analysed and assessed. The paper concludes that codesign involves more than consultation, and ideally requires shared decision-making. Further, in relation to policy codesign processes, the literature and cases studies suggest the core design features that are required to ensure the processes contribute to creating public value and maintaining trust in democratic public policy institutions.

Updated:  7 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications