Research Monographs

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The Neoliberal State, Recognition and Indigenous Rights

The Neoliberal State, Recognition and Indigenous Rights: New paternalism to new imaginings

Author/editor: Howard-Wagner, D, Bargh, M and Altamirano-Jimenez

Category: CAEPR Monographs

Year published: 2018

The impact of neoliberal governance on indigenous peoples in liberal settler states may be both enabling and constraining. This book is distinctive in drawing comparisons between three such states—Australia, Canada and New Zealand. In a series of empirically grounded, interpretive micro-studies, it...

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Teaching 'Proper' Drinking

Author/editor: Brady, M.

Category: CAEPR Monographs

Year published: 2017

In Teaching ‘Proper’ Drinking? , the author brings together three fields of scholarship: socio-historical studies of alcohol, Australian Indigenous policy history and social enterprise studies. The case studies in the book offer the first detailed surveys of efforts to teach responsible drinking...

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Better Than Welfare? Work and Livelihoods for Indigenous Australians After CDEP

Author/editor: Jordan, K

Category: CAEPR Monographs

Year published: 2016

The end of the very long-standing Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) scheme in 2015 marked a critical juncture in Australian Indigenous policy history. For more than 30 years, CDEP had been among the biggest and most influential programs in the Indigenous affairs portfolio, employing...

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Engaging Indigenous Economy - Debating Diverse Approaches

Author/editor: Sanders, W

Category: CAEPR Monographs

Year published: 2016

The engagement of Indigenous Australians in economic activity is a matter of long-standing public concern and debate. Jon Altman has been intellectually engaged with Indigenous economic activity for almost 40 years, most prominently through his elaboration of the concept of the hybrid economy, and...

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Indigenous Data Sovereignty - Toward An Agenda

Author/editor: Kukutai, T & Taylor, J

Category: CAEPR Monographs

Year published: 2016

As the global ‘data revolution’ accelerates, how can the data rights and interests of indigenous peoples be secured? Premised on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, this book argues that indigenous peoples have inherent and inalienable rights relating to the...

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Reluctant Representatives: Blackfella Bureaucrats Speak in Australia's North

Author/editor: Gantner, E

Category: CAEPR Monographs

Year published: 2016

How can you make decisions about Aboriginal people when you can’t even talk to the people you’ve got here that are blackfellas?’ So ‘Sarah’, a senior Aboriginal public servant, imagines a conversation with the Northern Territory Public Service. Her question suggests tensions for Aboriginal and...

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Indigenous Australians and the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Author/editor: Biddle, N, Al-Yaman, F, Gourley, M, Gray, M, Bray, JR, Brady, B, Pham, LA, Williams, E, Montaigne, M

Category: CAEPR Monographs

Year published: 2014

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is one of the major policy innovations of the early 21st century in Australia, representing a new way of delivering services to people with a disability and those who care for them. It has the potential to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands...

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Updated:  4 December 2017/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications