No more business as usual: The need for participatory Indigenous development policy and skilled practice

Southern Cross Krystal Hurst
Author/editor: Hunt, J & Bauman, T
Publisher: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research
Year published: 2022
Issue no.: 6
Page no.: 38


This paper explores what is required to enable First People to be genuinely able to participate in their own development in line with their right to self-determination and free prior and informed consent. It examines current major directions and opportunities in government policies and argues that ‘business as usual’ processes of engagement and communication will need to change significantly if people are to experience genuine participation in any place-based processes. It finishes with a call for new institutional support to enable effective participatory development to occur. 



Updated:  21 April 2022/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications