OCHRE Local Decision Making Stage 2 Evaluation: Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation Evaluation Report
This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation (IWAAC) Local Decision Making Accord implementation. The evaluation was co-designed with IWAAC and key public sector officials involved in implementing the Accord. Its findings are based on the research team’s independent assessment of the data collected. The evaluation methods included a workshop with IWAAC delegates, interviews or group discussions with IWAAC staff, delegates and former delegates, Elders and board members, and other community members, as well as interviews with senior government staff involved in the Accord’s implementation.
Keywords: Self-determination, shared decision making, Aboriginal governance, Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation, OCHRE, Local Decision Making, government–community engagement.
The CAEPR research team acknowledges Country and Elders past, present and future in Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation (IWAAC) communities. The Illawarra-Wingecarribee region sits on the lands of the Dharawal, Yuin and Gandangara peoples which include the Wodi, Elouera and other local language groups.
We wish to thank IWAAC, their member organisations and associated community-controlled organisations for their time and helpful collaboration in carrying out this evaluation including for allowing us to conduct workshops during their IWAAC meetings. We thank and acknowledge the contributions of employees of the NSW Government and one external consultant. The team would also like to acknowledge and thank the members of the OCHRE Evaluation Steering Committee for their guidance and support.